Governor Rt. Hon. Umar Muhammad felicitated with Nigerlites and Nigerians in general on the occasion of 63rd year as an independent Nation.
In his address delivered by his deputy Comrade Yakubu Garba , the governor said the anniversary provides an opportunity for us as a nation to reflect on the mixed feelings of triumphs and misgivings that characterized our journey to Nationhood. This it gives us every reason to celebrate together he said he was very excited to be part of this history making celebration of Nigeria’s 63rd Independence Anniversary.
Bago also used the moment to run an honest check on the contributions of every Nigerian both individually and collectively while appreciating God for His infinite mercy over the nation.
Moreso, the Governor reiterated the need to take it beyond Today as we mark the sixty-third (63rd) anniversary of our great nation, Nigeria.
He further said the achievements as a sovereign nation truly calls for celebrations but we should also use the moment to run an honest check on our contributions both individually and collectively while appreciating God for His infinite mercy over the Nation.
The Governor in the address said “we need to take it beyond our heroes past to reflect on the gains and lessons learned over the years in order to take charge and face the challenges of our time. The tributes we pay to our fallen and living heroes must not only end on our lips as we sing the National anthem, but also requires to be evident in our characters of selflessness and sense of responsibility”.
Further more he called for the need to understand and respect our diversities. As Muslim or Christians, we are one people under God, North or South, we are all Nigerians with one destiny netted together in the project Nigeria and as such, we have to coexist without any acrimony, rancor and hostility, rather with compassion and mutual respect for one another so as to overcome our challenges as a nation.
The governor called on Nigerlites, as Nigerians to key into the Renewed Hope Agenda of Mr. President, and all and sundry should let their commitment to support governments at all levels remain unwavering. Bago went on to assure Nigerlites that, their administration is focused on delivering people oriented projects that have direct impact on the lives of masses to change their economic and social status.
He mentioned already developing the critical sectors of the state economy, building a new Niger state through renewed security strategies to ensure safety of lives and property. The ambitious multi-billion naira investments in urban renewal, state-of-the-art facilities for improved healthcare and education, as well as our intent to take advantage of the abundant value chain in the Agricultural sector means that we are set to empower our youths and women groups for the needed development of our of Niger was mentioned also.
The governor further called on the grace of God Almighty, to guide the new leadership style in Niger State as its a sure way to achieving the dreams of a new Niger.
The governor called on all Nigerians to continue to cherish the dreams of our forefathers, the diversity of our culture, and the unity that binds us. I assure you that we are poised to see a justifiable management of State resources.Umar Bago called for support in delivering on the dividends that this democracy can afford.
The Governor therefore, called on all Nigerlites to continue to live in peace and harmony, support Government’s policies and programmes as the Government remain resolute to change the negative narratives on Niger State.
press secretary to the Deputy Governor.
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