Niger State is adjudge to be one of the most peaceful state to do business. It is also profiled as one of the state with enabling business environment and competitiveness in Nigeria.
The state is therefore, open for inflow of foreign and domestic direct investment.

Investment Opportunities

The decision of Niger State Government to develop its Mineral Sector is in line with the current trend in the globalization of the world economy in which we notice, with optimism the significant rise in the flow of Foreign Direct Investment in the global Mining Sector. In view of this, we have decided to key-in on this global investment phenomenon by opening up our mining sector to the World Business Community.
Based on the provision in the Nigerian Constitution which vested the ownership of Mineral Resources on the Federal Government, the State Government incorporated a Limited Liability Company, Zuma Minerals Development Company with RC No. 1119259 to engage in the business of mining on behalf of the state government. The company is set up with the aim of carrying out commercial Exploration, Exploitation, Processing and Marketing of Mineral Products.
in line with her mandate have obtained nine (9) licenses and carried out preliminary exploration on three of the sites. We will be willing to share the report of prefeasibility studies with investors that are ready to partner with the Company.
Minerals & Location