Niger Government Demolishes Police Station Illegally Sitting on a Water Pipeline.
The Niger State Government has demolished Chanchaga Police Station sitting on a major water pipeline.
The police station, located opposite the state water board, was illegally constructed out of clear disregard for law. The building does not have the required approval and was sitting on a major water pipeline.
Gov. Mohammed Umaru Bago, who has placed provision of potable drinking water as part of his agenda, will do everything within his power as the Governor to provide water for his people.
The government has also warned organizations, institutions and individuals to seek approval from constituted relevant authorities before erecting any building as from hence, as the government will not hesitate to take decisive action on anyone found wanting of disregard for law in the state.
Abdullberqy U. Ebbo
Special Adviser to the Governor
(Digital Communications)
June 8, 2023
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